A World of Ice and Fire Forums

AWoIaF Warband => Bugs => V8.0 => Topic started by: tos1 on December 08, 2023, 02:38:47 PM

Title: Negative/positive number of people worship
Post by: tos1 on December 08, 2023, 02:38:47 PM
Master of Laws answers like "The records show -29504 of our people still worship other gods." when the player character as King/Queen asked him the kingdom's faith. Players wouldn't be able to understand what the numbers mean (how good or bad) or to decide what action to take next. Something seem to be missing in the process where the percentage or some kind of degree should be displayed.

---- quick_strings.txt
qstr_The_records_show_{re The_records_show_{reg13}_of_our_people_worship_our_gods.
qstr_The_records_show_{reg The_records_show_{reg13}_of_our_people_still_worship_other_gods.

---- conversation.txt
dlga_dplmc_constable__faith:dplmc_constable_faith1 4095 930  8 2133 2 72057594037927949 144115188075857499 2133 2 72057594037927949 1234 4 0 30 2 144115188075857499 0 2320 2 2 1585267068834417954 5 0 2320 2 2 1585267068834417955 3 0 {s2}  931  0 NO_VOICEOVER

Hand-disassembly by me:
-- Condition-block
assign reg13 0x02000000_0000065B
ge 0x02000000_0000065B 0
str_store_string 2 0x16000000_00000D22
str_store_string 2 0x16000000_00000D23

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Become a king/queen, hire Master of Laws, and ask him about worship.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded