A World of Ice and Fire Forums

AWoIaF Warband => Bugs => V8.0 => Topic started by: tos1 on December 09, 2023, 02:43:30 PM

Title: Loop at selling prisoners
Post by: tos1 on December 09, 2023, 02:43:30 PM
At least one of Night's prisoner buyers at a tavern don't allow to cancel. In my case, I talked to Yoren and he says "Are you sure you want to hand them all over?". The choices are "I am sure." and "On second thoughts, no.". Even if I select "no", the conversation loops.

The cause is in the line "On_second_thoughts,_no" of conversation.txt, and the 555 that indicates the next destination is incorrect (bug). Overwriting it with 6 solves the problem.

-------- conversation.txt
dlga_ramun_talk:ramun_sell_prisoners 66314 555  2 2159 1 72057594037927936 30 2 72057594037927936 1 I_have_some_prisoners_you_can_take.  557  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_ramun_sell_prisoners:ramun_sell_prisoners_2 778 557  0 Are_you_sure_you_want_to_hand_them_all_over?  558  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_ramun_sell_prisoners_2:ramun_sell_prisoners_3 66314 558  0 I_am_sure.  559  3 1 1 936748722493063918 1 3 936748722493063447 432345564227567661 1 1 2 936748722493063452 1 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_ramun_sell_prisoners_2:ramun_talk 66314 558  0 On_second_thoughts,_no.  555  0 NO_VOICEOVER

Many other buyers than Yoren seem to say another phrase and there seem to be no problem. I don't know who says the same phrase with Yoren and whether the sentence is at random.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Have at least one prisoner, find (ask traveler if needed) and meet buyer of Night's watch in each town, if he doesn't say "Are you sure you want to hand them all over?" then search other town, else (if he said that) select "On second thoughts, no.". The conversation will be repeated as long as you don't decide to sell.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded