A World of Ice and Fire Forums

AWoIaF Warband => Bugs => v2.0 => Topic started by: Sancronis on October 20, 2017, 03:42:41 PM

Title: 2.5.1 Giants being added to the party aren't there.
Post by: Sancronis on October 20, 2017, 03:42:41 PM
Bug description: The giant lair doesn't add giants to the party when you win, although the "Wun Wun added to the party" does appear.

How to reproduce it/when/why it happens: Just complete the giant's cave.

Your computer specs: Unknown precisely but all beyond M&BW's recommended.

Game version (and steam or downloaded): Up to date, Steam.

EDIT: They don't join battles or appear in the party menu, but they are in the character and companions overview