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Messages - g1234z

v1.0 / [v1.3] Old Valyria awarded to my liege
July 19, 2017, 05:36:16 AM
Not really a bug, but when you complete the quest "Old Valyria" to restore the old castle, if you are in vassalage then the castle is rewarded to your liege rather than to yourself.
v1.0 / Re: [v1.3] Huge slow down problem
July 19, 2017, 05:33:59 AM
I'm not sure exactly what was causing it unfortunately, it was basically just massive lag any time someone attacked, but it hasn't occurred when I am on my own or in other armies. I'm not sure why, but it was whilst I was with Tywin Lannister, and I left him and rejoined and it no longer occurred, and I've joined other armies from the Reach and not had it.

As a side note, I am still getting the OPCODE error and there isn't any lag so I am guessing that may have been unrelated. I will continue try to reproduce it and let you know if I am able to.
v1.0 / Re: [v1.3] Huge slow down problem
July 17, 2017, 08:59:09 PM
Also I forgot to add but the opcode error is invalid agent ID
v1.0 / [v1.3] Huge slow down problem
July 17, 2017, 08:53:27 PM
Not sure why this happens, but when I enlist in an army and we go into battle, I start getting an error with OPCODE 1704 At mst_lead_charge_trigger. I get this as soon as my leader engages the enemy, everything is smooth with 500 troops before they engage, and then as soon as they get within fighting range I drop from a solid 120fps to less than 1. As the number of enemies alive drops, the lag drops but it's like as soon as they start fighting again it drops (like if there are any mounted enemies, they circle round and it lags when they get back in fighting range). I tried lowering the battle size to 150 and the same thing still happens. Previously, I'd fought in battles of 750 where I had been leading my own small 30 man army with an ally and it was perfectly fine. I have also tried re-enabling the animation for charging and that didn't change anything (I disabled it prior).

I believe I also got this error before when I was fighting in a 50 man battle but it didn't cause any slowdown whatsoever, so either I'm miss remembering it or the OPCODE error isn't the problem.