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Topics - Karolinen

Hello guys, I decided to aid the Targaryens in my 4.1 Version of the mod and after having crushed the Lannister, I made Danaerys declare war on Stormlands. All of our lords got defeated, even the Queen herself and now I have waited for more than 40 days and not a single Targaryen lord has respawned. Is this a bug? Nobody is being held captive.
Hey, I'm at day 140 and I have done Mutiny at Crasters Keep. I remember the older version of the mod where it continued and you had to repress a rebellion by Ramsay Snow by facing him in battle. Is this still in the mod? How do you trigger this event?

And also, is this event (Battle Ramsay Snow) I have spoken of a part of the main questline? I know of the Red Wedding but nothing more than that, if you know the answer pls don't spoil too much  ;D :)

Does the North questline continue after Red Wedding? Is there more to come?
v4.0 / Eastwatch Harbour Dialogue
February 28, 2019, 11:37:53 AM
Have a look at this. Eastwatch Harbour has the same dialogue as a King's adviser or something? And is it supposed to be an encounter?

So, I went on to Castle Black and gave the message to Mormont, then suppressed the wildlings at Skull Bridge. So far so good. Robb Stark was captured by Lannisters though, making it impossible for me to give him the letter from Mormont so I enlisted in a northern Lords army. I got captured but fled, and now Robb is back but there is no dialogue option for my quest except a regular "Destroy Bandit Lair"-quest. Which seems impossible to find by the way.

What have I done wrong? Have I missed anything? I'm at day 62