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Topics - Sabbthiel

Beta 9 / Pirates with Davos level navigation
January 04, 2017, 09:57:48 PM
There are a number of pirates sailing around Sharp point that land on the peninsula but are not accessible by land or sea.  This amounts to them just lingering around your coast without the ability to engage them.
v1.0 / A Few Bugs
January 03, 2017, 11:02:03 PM
- While at war with Westerlands as my own faction,  I took Duskendale (Westerland City) and immediately following the battle the riverlands, vale, north, and stormlands all declared war on House Targaryn.  However, when I checked the faction list it appeared that all had declared war on me.

- This may be related:  After Aegon had "left the realm" (not sure how that happened) all of his lords are hanging around my castles.  They will even be in my great halls, but not as defectors.  This is sort of annoying since they are attacking all other faction's caravans that come to my cities.

- When I attacked House Targaryn, Dorne declared war on House Targaryn however they really declared war on me.

- Even though Dragonstone is under my control, it still lists King Stannis as having ownership (even though he is my prisoner).

- When I have taken prisoners from House Targaryn, they are listed as being captives of different factions on notes tabs.  I double checked by cheating across the map and there is indeed prisoners in other castles that are clones of the ones I am holding.
Help & Support / Non Hero Companions
December 25, 2015, 01:33:17 AM
Can you get other lords' retainers like John Snow to join you?
Help & Support / Companions Dying?
November 27, 2015, 06:01:07 AM
I have been having an issue where my companions get (killed or seriously injured) in fights and then seem to be perma-dead.  I cannot find them in taverns or ask for their whereabouts.  Is this a game feature or a bug?  Is there a way to turn this feature off?

There are so few companions in this mod that losing one (or all of them as has happened during particularly tight battles) is a major set back that can be hard to recover from (especially when you lose your healer).