
The player speaks weapon smith's words

Started by tos1, February 16, 2024, 03:10:10 PM

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Related topic:
(v8.2) A weapon smith speaks player's words by me

When the player character receives an ordered sword of valyrian steel, the player character herself/himself speaks "Ah, yes of course, here you go, ...".

As with the related topic above, I experimented by rewriting 69631 in the relevant line of conversion.txt to 4095, and weapon smith's face and name were displayed correctly.
(I believe 69631=0x10FFF="anyone|plyr" and 4095=0xFFF="anyone" in the source code of mod systems)

Ah, yes of course, here you go {playername}.

Also, choices like "Sure, let me see..." or "No thanks, ..." aren't connected well with the sentence "Ah, yes ...", so it seems like it should be made so that one click is required before the choices appear. It seem to be needed also in the case of the related topics above.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Get a valyrian steel after a quest, explore a town, meet the weapon smith, order to reforge a sword from the steel. After a certain period, meet him again to receive the sword, select "Do you have my sword ready?". The player character speaks "Ah, yes of course, here you go, ...".

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v9.1, Warband v1.174 downloaded