A World of Ice and Fire Forums

AWoIaF Warband => Bugs => V9.0 => Topic started by: tos1 on May 17, 2024, 07:19:51 PM

Title: Follow-up: The dog snorts like a horse
Post by: tos1 on May 17, 2024, 07:19:51 PM
Related topic (v8.* but inherited to v9.3):
"The dog snorts like a horse (https://www.aworldoficeandfire.co.uk/forum/v8-0/the-dog-snorts-like-a-horse/)" by me.

The only thing that seems to be hard-coded for snorting is a fixed reference to names like snd_horse_snort in sound.txt. So one solution should be to make it silent (for example, by commenting-out "horse_snort" from module_sounds.py), distinguish between horses and non-horses in triggers of some mission templates, and then add sound using the agent_play_sound or play_sound_at_position operations.

I found some of the same ideas on the TW forums. The most succinct one is a post in 2022 (below) that shows the source code of TLD's mission template.

How do I add custom sound to a mount? (https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/how-do-i-add-custom-sound-to-a-mount.450924/post-9793323), TW forums

I don't know the TLD's code above supports not only battle field but also town-exploring, etc. The AWoIaF's dog (and probably wolf) companion snorts at least at towns, villages, battle fields, [Camp]-[Visit your camp], and perhaps conversation with a human.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v9.3, v8.2. Warband v1.174 downloaded