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V9.0 / Chaos of Lords and Troops
Last post by MilkMyTTs - December 16, 2023, 03:23:19 AM

When Load the saved game, Error in script ef is port party:{!} 24

Hi guys , I encounter some problems with my previous save as I load in to my save game the troops and companions in my party changed to Lannister and companions into ones that I am not aware of . Previously I have mostly northern troops , and even the lords of different factions have enemy factions in their party , as well the name, armor and factions , eg Denys Mallister wearing the hound's Armor and in Westerland Faction.

V8.0 / Re: Unmotivated practice melee...
Last post by tos1 - December 12, 2023, 11:13:00 AM
The warning was found to have nothing to do with the fighters' unmotivated/negligent actions.

I tried removing the part (below) that caused the warning, BUT only the warning disappeared and the fighters' behavior REMAINED THE SAME. As in the screenshot, during 40 people melee fight at arena, only the first fighter hustles, some fighters line up waiting their "turn" or some others are standing without doing anything while looking at each other.

From the warning message, we can read that the #33 trigger is for initializing number of opponents into 40 in tournament_triggers of "arena_melee_fight". By my hand-disassembly, the module code merged with Native module system 1.171 should be as follows.

---- trigger #33 (0 origin), arena_melee_fight, mission_templates.txt, AWoIaF v8.2
0.000000 0.000000 100000000.000000  0  9 31 2 144115188075856286 1 2133 2 144115188075856690 40 2133 2 144115188075856688 0 2133 2 144115188075856689 0 2133 2 144115188075856691 0 6 3 1224979098644774912 0 144115188075856690 505 3 1224979098644774912 7 0 3 0 1 2 936748722493063661 131072

---- My hand-disassembly (using modsys 1.171 as a reference)
(0, 0, ti_once, [], [(eq, "$g_mt_mode", abm_training),
 (assign, "$g_arena_training_max_opponents", 40),
 (assign, "$g_arena_training_num_agents_spawned", 0),
 (assign, "$g_arena_training_kills", 0),
 (assign, "$g_arena_training_won", 0),
 (try_for_range, ":var1", 0, "$g_arena_training_max_opponents"), ###### AWoIaF v8.*
 (agent_set_slot ":var1", slot_agent_arena_team_set, 0)        ###### AWoIaF v8.*
 (try_end)                                                    ###### AWoIaF v8.*
 (call_script, "script_music_set_situation_with_culture", mtf_sit_arena),

AWoIaF v7.11 doesn't have the try block (try_for_range, agent_set_slot=505, and try_end), and is same with Native. It has no problem of unmotivated. On the other hand, AWoIaF v8.1 and v8.2 have the block. I experimentally removed the block from mission_templates.txt (and overwrite the number of operations from 9 to 6).

It's not directly related to the main title of this topic, and I'm still not very familiar with the mod system, but it seems to be too early to set agent slots for all 40 opponents before they spawn. In addition, this warning set has 40 * 4 = 160 lines and strongly prevents messages from appearing at the bottom left of the screen. By removing the warning, the message will appear immediately.

Again: AWoIaF v7.11 was OK.
V8.0 / Re: Volantine Elephant Rider
Last post by Produno - December 11, 2023, 02:59:11 PM
This is now fixed.
V8.0 / Re: Text: Lysara/Lysyra and As...
Last post by Produno - December 11, 2023, 02:57:46 PM
I have fixed the Astopor issue, looks like Lysyra is a different person, so probably meant to be that name, cant remember tbh.
V8.0 / Re: Construction term of an ob...
Last post by Produno - December 11, 2023, 02:51:07 PM
This fixed now, thanks.
V8.0 / Loop at selling prisoners
Last post by tos1 - December 09, 2023, 02:43:30 PM
At least one of Night's prisoner buyers at a tavern don't allow to cancel. In my case, I talked to Yoren and he says "Are you sure you want to hand them all over?". The choices are "I am sure." and "On second thoughts, no.". Even if I select "no", the conversation loops.

The cause is in the line "On_second_thoughts,_no" of conversation.txt, and the 555 that indicates the next destination is incorrect (bug). Overwriting it with 6 solves the problem.

-------- conversation.txt
dlga_ramun_talk:ramun_sell_prisoners 66314 555  2 2159 1 72057594037927936 30 2 72057594037927936 1 I_have_some_prisoners_you_can_take.  557  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_ramun_sell_prisoners:ramun_sell_prisoners_2 778 557  0 Are_you_sure_you_want_to_hand_them_all_over?  558  0 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_ramun_sell_prisoners_2:ramun_sell_prisoners_3 66314 558  0 I_am_sure.  559  3 1 1 936748722493063918 1 3 936748722493063447 432345564227567661 1 1 2 936748722493063452 1 NO_VOICEOVER
dlga_ramun_sell_prisoners_2:ramun_talk 66314 558  0 On_second_thoughts,_no.  555  0 NO_VOICEOVER

Many other buyers than Yoren seem to say another phrase and there seem to be no problem. I don't know who says the same phrase with Yoren and whether the sentence is at random.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Have at least one prisoner, find (ask traveler if needed) and meet buyer of Night's watch in each town, if he doesn't say "Are you sure you want to hand them all over?" then search other town, else (if he said that) select "On second thoughts, no.". The conversation will be repeated as long as you don't decide to sell.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
V8.0 / Two same choices "I guess the ...
Last post by tos1 - December 08, 2023, 03:07:17 PM
Soon after started a new game, the player character picks up a crow's message, choose the second "throw away" from the three choices of who to deliver the letter to, and when the poachers catch up, both of two player choices are:
"I guess the Lannisters have put a pretty penny on each raven shot out the sky?"

There seems to be something mix-up. Selecting the 1st one causes a fighting, and the 2nd does not.

dlga_poachers1:poachers1_attack|I guess the Lannisters have put a pretty penny on each raven shot out the sky?
dlga_poachers1:poachers1_attack1|Ok here take it! Not something I want to be involved in anyway.
dlga_poachers1:poachers1_attack2|Ok here take it! Not something I want to be involved in anyway.
dlga_poachers1:poachers1_attack3|I guess the Lannisters have put a pretty penny on each raven shot out the sky?

dlga_poachers1_attack3:close_window|We had best be finding it else we'll be back for ya.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Start a new game from Westeros, walk a few days till pick the letter (with 3 choices; Take/Throw/Take), select "Throw away...", meet the appeared poachers.

mno_find_raven_choice_1|Take the letter to King Stannis Baratheon.
mno_find_raven_choice_2|Throw away the letter and never mention it again.
mno_find_raven_choice_3|Take the letter to Lord Tywin Lannister.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v9.1, v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
V8.0 / Construction term of an obsidi...
Last post by tos1 - December 08, 2023, 02:41:30 PM
The discrepancy between the planned and actual mine development term is large. The village elder say "at least three months" and "Around three month", but The actual is about 56 days. One should be brought closer to the another.

dlga_intro_obsidian_elder_no:close_window|Well, I am afraid I cannot budge on price. These men need to be paid and fed for at least three months. Come back when you have the coin.
dlga_intro_obsidian_elder2:intro_obsidian_elder3|Now let me see. Around three months of building is required, that's if nothing goes wrong. We will need 70,000 stags upfront and I will supply the men needed. Does this sound fair {playername}?.

According to my hand disassembly, current_day + the actual days 56 is store to "144115188075856402" (0x02000000_00000212) in the menus.txt and it is compared with current_day in triggers.txt.

---- menus.txt
 mno_set_up_mine_yes  1 31 2 144115188075855880 0  I_want_to_start_building_the_mine.  15 4 0 1 1 936748722493064083 31 2 144115188075856075 1 1536 3 360287970189639680 288230376151711814 15 1536 3 360287970189639680 288230376151711817 20 1536 3 360287970189639680 288230376151711813 20 2133 2 144115188075855880 1 2272 1 1224979098644774912 2120 3 144115188075856402 1224979098644774912 56 1106 1 1585267068834416990 1301 0 2040 0 5 0 1106 1 1585267068834416991 3 0  .  mno_leave  0  Leave  2 1301 0 2040 0  .

---- triggers.txt
168.000000 0.000000 100000000.000000  3 31 2 144115188075855880 1 2272 1 1224979098644774912 30 2 1224979098644774912 144115188075856402  4 1603 3 648518346341351887 256 1 1603 3 648518346341351888 256 0 2133 2 144115188075855880 2 1106 1 1585267068834417752

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Acquire the "Inventory Management" skill needed to have 55 units of materials, collect 20 stones + 20 timber + 15 tools, prepare 70,000 stags, visit the village near Dragonstone, meet village elder, pay him to start the construction, memorize the current day displayed in the bottom-right of the world map, spend about 8 weeks at somewhere, and check if you get the message in the bottom-left of the screen; "Your mine as been built near Dragonstone".

(In addition, in the sentence above, "as" should be "has")

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
V8.0 / Negative/positive number of pe...
Last post by tos1 - December 08, 2023, 02:38:47 PM
Master of Laws answers like "The records show -29504 of our people still worship other gods." when the player character as King/Queen asked him the kingdom's faith. Players wouldn't be able to understand what the numbers mean (how good or bad) or to decide what action to take next. Something seem to be missing in the process where the percentage or some kind of degree should be displayed.

---- quick_strings.txt
qstr_The_records_show_{re The_records_show_{reg13}_of_our_people_worship_our_gods.
qstr_The_records_show_{reg The_records_show_{reg13}_of_our_people_still_worship_other_gods.

---- conversation.txt
dlga_dplmc_constable__faith:dplmc_constable_faith1 4095 930  8 2133 2 72057594037927949 144115188075857499 2133 2 72057594037927949 1234 4 0 30 2 144115188075857499 0 2320 2 2 1585267068834417954 5 0 2320 2 2 1585267068834417955 3 0 {s2}  931  0 NO_VOICEOVER

Hand-disassembly by me:
-- Condition-block
assign reg13 0x02000000_0000065B
ge 0x02000000_0000065B 0
str_store_string 2 0x16000000_00000D22
str_store_string 2 0x16000000_00000D23

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Become a king/queen, hire Master of Laws, and ask him about worship.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
V8.0 / Text: Lysara/Lysyra and Astapo...
Last post by tos1 - December 07, 2023, 05:57:22 PM
There are multiple notations Lysara/Lysyra and Astapor/Astopor. They should be unified.

---- perhaps Wrong

---- perhaps Right

---- perhaps Wrong

---- perhaps Right

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded