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Topics - tos1

The feast at a castle costs 1000 stags. When I have less than 1000 stags in possession and select feast from castle menu, a menu with only one choice "Join the Competitions" appears in the left side. This seem to occur always as far as I tried.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Own your castle, move or use the money in possession (other than the treasury) so that it < 1000 stags, visit your castle, select "Prepare a feast for your men". A menu appears and the only choice that the player can do is to select "Join the Competitions". This does not occur when the player character has sufficient money.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded

Related topic:
"Competitions" only in the city "Other activities" menu
(The menu displayed in this case of city has some choices other than competition. The trigger is not "Other activities" but "Visit the Inn". Sometimes it occurs unlike the feast at a castle.)
F5 sequences don't work.
Single F6 does not work.
Single F8 works instead.

I understand it's not a help page but concepts in the early days, but it should be convenient that a complete list of the key sequences is placed like:
F1 F1 - ....
F1 F2 - ....
F1 F3 - ....
F1 F4 - ....
F1 F5 - ....

F2 F1 - ....

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
[Q] - [Game Concepts] - [Battle Keys and Orders]

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
When the player as a independent faction sieged and took a castle, a plunder (battle against people in the castle) started though I selected "defer the appointment of a lord" from the choices.

Probably the corresponding lines are:
{reg59?My lady:Sire}, we have taken {s1}. {s2}
Who do you wish to give it to?
I wish to defer the appointment of a lord until I take the counsel of my subjects there.

The behavior is the same with one when I selected another choice "I want to plunder ...".

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Don't become any vassal and play as an independent faction. Take aim at a poorly defended castle, siege and take it. After you chose people and things you got, one of companions asks you:
"My xxxx, we have taken yyyy. Who do you wish to give it to?"
Select "I wish to defer the appointment of a lord until I have finished... determining its value.". A battle starts in the castle's ground.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
V8.0 / Old URLs in the first popup and Prelude
March 02, 2023, 06:33:29 PM
Two URLs to the forum are old:
- The first popup in the new game. (str_tutorial_map1)
- Prelude. (str_bry_9)

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Start a new game, walk a bit in the world map. The popup window appears. Check the URL. On the other hand, start a new game, see Prelude, watch to the end of the Credits and check the URL.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded

Related topic:
Old URLs in [Q]-[Game Concepts] (<---fixed at v8.2)
While talking with a companion who become a lord, the conversation repeated infinitely. I cannot break it with any key, and had to terminate the game using Alt F4 key.

----Lord Bronson Snow
dlga_start:lord_start.6|Yes, my {reg59?Lady:Lord}?
I will not forget our victory over {s54}. Let us once again give thanks to heaven, and pray that we not grow too proud. 
What is your bidding?
----Player character
I wish to ask you something.
Aye? What is it?
dlga_lord_talk_ask_something_2:lord_talk_ask_location ---> (*1)
I want to know the location of someone.
Very well, I may or may not have an answer for you. About whom do you wish to hear?

The player char wrongly says the "I will not forget our victory over..." said by Lord Bronson Snow above. Bronson says "Very well, I may..." again. They repeats infinitely the last sentence each other.

*1  It may be dlga_lady_talk:lord_talk_ask_location.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Play as a female character without belonging to any faction, capture at least one castle (to become a Queen), Give a companion a fief (village). I tested Bronson Snow and Ryder. He becomes a lord. Talk to him and select the choice above.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
V8.0 / Wrong gender checks remain
March 02, 2023, 10:19:44 AM
At least the line below is wrong as far as I checked.

dlga_freed_lord_answer_2:close_window ---> "sire" is displayed for female player char. (I actually tested.)
Thank you, good {sire/lady}. I never forget someone who's done me a good turn.

The line below seems to have no problem (if it is of a companion who became a lord). (*1)
Thank you, good {sire/lady}. I never forget someone who's done me a good turn.

*1  I believe the "hero" here means a companion who became a lord. I actually tested to rescue a captured lord companion (Lord Xhondo) using a female player character, and "lady"  was displayed properly. If the line is not of lord companion, then please check the appropriateness of the line.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Play as a female character (I tested without belonging to any faction), rescue captured lord of a faction from a castle (I rescued a male lord). He wrongly says the sentence "Thank you, good sire. I..." to the female player char.

In order to check companion's case, play as a female character without belonging to any faction, capture at least one castle (to become a Queen), let a companion hold a fief (village). She/he becomes a lord. Order the lord companion to accompany, guide her/him to area where many enemy troops are. When the enemy troops attack the lord companion, abandon her/him and wait till she/he is captured. After a few days, search and find the location of the captured lord companion (e.g. from castles of the enemy lord who attacked the lord companion). Approach to the castle, check the lord companion exists as a prisoner by hovering mouse over the castle, sneak into it, rescue her/him. She/he properly says the sentence "Thank you, good lady. I..." to the female player char.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded

Edited to add another on Mar 5 2023 UTC:

Missing gender check of the lord and player character in the raven message order window.

>>Diplomacy:^It is only possible to negotiate between faction leaders.^You aren't a king.
>>Diplomacy:^It is only possible to negotiate between faction leaders.^{s1} isn't a king.

I guess it's necessary to check each gender of the player character (using reg59) and the lord (using what register?) or to replace "king" with e.g. "such person".

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Visit the lord's hall of several castles, find a maester, talk to him, select "Do you have any ravens? I need to send a message.", select any Lady from choices, and left-click twice. The message order window appears. See the bottom of left side; "Lady xxxx isn't a king."

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded

Edited to add on Mar 18 2023 UTC:

Missing gender check for the lord/lady as emissary's destination.

(1) The sentence by a companion minister below includes a static "him".

What do you wish to tell him?

(2) The choices below include static 2 "him" and 2 "his".

---- 3rd choice
Tell {s10} that I want to conclude a non-aggression treaty with him.
---- 4th choice
That I wish to put myself under his protection, as his vassal.
---- 6th choice
That I declare war upon him.

These 4 lines must check the gender of the lord/lady selected at the prior choice by the player.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Play as an independent faction, capture a castle, and hire a minister. Replace the minister with a companion, exit from the hall, and re-enter. Talk to the companion minister, select "I wish to dispatch an emissary.". The companion minister asks you "To whom do you wish to send this emissary?". Select any female character from the choices. The companion minister says "...him?" above and the third , fourth, and sixth choice include one or two static "him" or "his".

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded

Edited to add on Mar 19 2023 UTC:

The line below includes static "He" and "him".

By order of {s6}, {s4} of the {s5} has been indicted for treason. The lord has been stripped of all {reg4?her:his} properties, and has fled for {reg4?her:his} life. He wishes to join your kingdom. You may find him in your court, if you wish it.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
V8.0 / Denar in party window (v8.2)
March 01, 2023, 08:06:12 PM
After many duplicated lines in ui.cav were deleted for v8.2, the monetary unit "d" is displayed in the upgrade button of party list. I guess the corresponding line ui_upgrade_to_value is necessary for v8.2 as with v8.1.

---- v8.1
ui_upgrade_to_value| Upgrade to %s (%ds)
---- native (1.167 and 1.174)
ui_upgrade_to_value| Upgrade to %s (%dd)

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Hire any member other than companion, hit P key, select a member (group). See the upgrade button in the center of the window. A "d" is displayed like "Upgrade to xxxx (112d)". It must be "s".

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
Is it just in my environment?

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
New Game - Prelude - Continue. Wait 2.5 minutes patiently (I don't know if there is way to fast-forward). After some "TV"s appeared in the text, wait 30 - 40 seconds. The credits text is displayed from halfway (near the name "Bilwit" or "Robzombies18" in my case).

I guess the very long text is from str_bry_9 in strings.txt.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
(Note: v8.1 + WB v1.167 has the same problem.)
V8.0 / Battle plan is often ignored
February 24, 2023, 10:13:09 AM
Through repetition of the battle and retreat, the plan is often ignored. Intended? (That seems not to depend on at least the terrain of each battle field and on the existence of pet dog.)

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Don't use F2-F7 (placement memory) through the game from the beginning (because it has another instability). Hire troops and companions, categorize them into three; Infantry/Archer/Cavalry. Attack a weak and fewer party (to make the test easier), select "Plan your battle with the enemy", set infantry=hold, archers=hold and forward 10, cavalry=hold and forward 10. Push "Dispatch orders", select "Enough planning. To battle!". Check position of each division (using 1/2/3 keys). Push Tab key to retreat (before the enemy approach). Repeat the "Plan"-"Dispatch"-"Enough plan"-"check"-"retreat".

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
V8.0 / A pet dog blocks to retreat from battle field
February 23, 2023, 05:45:00 PM
When the pet dog is near the player in the battle field, the player cannot leave the field by Tab key due to: "You are unable to retreat, there are enemies nearby!"

(I have not tested the wolf. It might be the same.)

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Wait until a dirty dog appears, get the dog as a pet, start a battle, hit Tab key when the dog is near the player.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
V8.0 / Prison rescue never be finished
February 23, 2023, 05:27:32 PM
Related topic:
Unable to rescue lord from Prison in Shatterstone (v7.*)
So much bugs in Iron Islands (v8.*)

(1) Cannot access into the prison after knocked down several guards
Almost the same with the topic of v7.* above. I tried at Downdelving without quest. After the player knocked down 7 or 8 guards, there is no entry sign of the prison, two companions get stuck the wooden panel, and Tab key says "Cannot leave now". Some key sequences like F1-F3, F3-F2, F3-f1 works, but the only option the player can is Esc and exit game.
(Many people and companion get stuck on the wall. Talking to them sometimes help to escape from the wooden slot but companions speak as if returned from long separation from the party)

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
I tested at Downdelving. (The problem may relate to the wooden slot of the v8.* topic above)
Search for a castle where at least one lord is captured as a prisoner, visit it and "Tour the grounds" its prison, talk to the prison guards, select "I want to speak with a prisoner", select "Come on now. ...", select "Give me the keys to the cells -- now!". Attack to him and other all guards. It will not be finished.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded

(2) Rescued person does not move
At some other castles the lord fights well with the player char but not at Pyke.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
I tested the situation where Lady Barbrey Dustin is a prisoner in Pyke (The Iron Islands). Visit Pyke, "Tour the grounds", walk forward till a wooden suspension bridge appears, go over the bridge (it takes 2 or 3 real minutes from the start point due to the very long distance), talk to and knock down a prison guard, enter into the prison, talk to the prisoner (Lady Barbrey Dustin), select "I'll need you to grab a weapon and ...". The player and the prisoner go out but she does not move, just standing by the bridge. (F3-F1 works. She draw her sword. F1-F1 or F1-F2 don't work for her)

(In the case that Lord Harwood Fells at Ashemark, everything went well. He fight with the player and F1-F1 and F1-F2 worked)

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
V8.0 / Experience point of some troops is not saved
February 23, 2023, 12:31:27 PM
At least for "Squire", its upgrade right ("+" sign in party member list) is lost when the game is saved.

(I saw this also in v8.1 at least for; Bravo, Braavosi Trainee, Northern Archer, Squire. I guess the v8.2 have the same problem for these (and probably other) troop types if no one fixed.)

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Hire at least one Squire, wait or act till he has right to update ("+" sign). Talk to him/them, select "Tell me about yourself", and check his/their experience point. Save the game and reload it. Check the "+" sign and the experience point again.
(Please check also for Bravo, Braavosi Trainee, Northern Archer, and many others. ESPECIALLY, the quest of "a dozen Skilled Bravos" is painful for the player because the upgrade right is reset every time the game is saved.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
(Note: v8.1 + WB v1.167 has the same problem.)
V8.0 / Evacuation at septries (Hint 16)
February 23, 2023, 10:42:43 AM
hint_16 in en/hints.csv says:
'If being chased on the world map you can wait in the various taverns or septries scattered about.'

It seems that the choice "Rest here for some time" appears only when the player character's religion is Seven.

As you know these hints are displayed only for a moment and the player cannot read too long sentence. So maybe it can't be helped.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
(Note: v8.1 + WB v1.167 has the same problem.)
V8.0 / "My Lord" to female vassals/rulers
February 23, 2023, 10:04:44 AM
The lines below are choices for the player. It's necessary to check gender of the vassal/ruler (not of the player character):

My Lord, I would like to enlist in your army.
My Lord, I wish to join the Watch.   ------> *1
My Lord, I would like to like to retire from service.
My Lord, I would like to request some personal leave
My Lord, I am ready to return to your command.

*1  I don't know if there is possibility that any female vassal transfers to Watch. If there is, the "My Lord" should have gender check for the vassal.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Meet and talk to any female vassal/ruler. One of choice includes "My Lord" regardless of her gender.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
(Note: v8.1 + WB v1.167 has the same problem.)

Note: I made an image (< 100 KB) for this, but cannot upload due to the upload directory full.
V8.0 / Coin toss sometimes results 104 (or 105) stags
February 16, 2023, 03:03:05 PM
I betted 2000 stags for the coin toss at a inn and won, but got 104 Silver stags. It's not every time.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Visit the inn in a city, talk to the innkeeper, select "I'd like to flip a coin with you", bet 2000, and check the amount when you won. Repeat that till you get money other than the bet.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
At least Dacey Mormont and Brienne of Tarth sometime say "." to the female player character.

Mya Stone and other female companions say proper sentences for example:
Men come and go. They lie, or die, or leave you. A mountain is not a man, though, and stone is a mountain's daughter. I trust my father, and I trust my mules. I won't fall.

I guess the corresponding lines are:
str_dacey_woman_to_woman {!}.
str_npc8_woman_to_woman {!}.
str_daughter_woman_to_woman {!}. <-- I don't know the possibility.
str_event_woman_to_woman {!}.  <-- I don't know when this is used.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Play as a female character, hire the female companions and wait for days till they speak the lines.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
(Note: v8.1 + WB v1.167 has the same problem.)
For example, 12 days left for the player in the quest page at the time invited, but actually it ended 3 days after the invitation (9 days earlier).

AFAIK, the initial time limit seems to be always 12 days whenever tournaments invitation occurred and they ends earlier than 12 days.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Wait for the invitation for a tournament, check left days in the quest information page. Don't attend the tournament and check when it expires.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
(Note: v8.1 + WB v1.167 has the same problem.)
Clicking each line of Companions overview (local trade menu in towns) shows that Power Draw skill is always zero for anyone.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Hire at least one companion, check her/his Power Draw skill is 1 or greater (by asking her/him from party list), visit a town, select "Trade with locals", select "Companions overview", and select the companion from the list. Check the Power Draw skill. It's always displayed as 0.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
(Note: v8.1 + WB v1.167 has the same problem. v7.11 + WB v1.167 has no problem)

(Edited on Feb 5 2023 UTC: corrected WB versions)
V8.0 / Number of troops killed will be the new lady/lord
February 05, 2023, 02:36:41 AM
When the player as a independent faction sieged and took a castle, one of companions says like below though I selected "I want to have xxxx for myself":
"As you wish, my lady. Number of troops killed will be the new lady of The Rills." .
(In this example, the player character I used is female and the castle is The Rills but the problem does not depend on gender or place.)

I guess the corresponding lines are:
{reg59?My lady:Sire}, we have taken {s1}. {s2}
Who do you wish to give it to?
{s12}I want to have {s1} for myself. {s2}
As you wish, {reg59?my lady:my lord}. {reg6?I:{reg7?You:{s11}}} will be the new {reg3?lady:lord} of {s1}.

The word to be displayed must be "You" in this case. The reg7 seems to be 0 mistakenly.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Don't become any vassal and play as an independent faction. Take aim at a poorly defended castle, siege and take it. After you chose people and things you got, one of companions asks you:
"My xxxx, we have taken yyyy. Who do you wish to give it to?"
Select "I want to have yyyy for myself." from choices.
The companion says:
"As you wish, my xxxx. Number of troops killed will be the new xxxx of yyyy."

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
(Note: v8.1 + WB v1.167 has the same problem)

(Edited on Feb 5 2023 UTC: corrected WB versions)
V8.0 / Text: STR/INT attr. for Inventory Mng.
January 28, 2023, 08:12:27 PM
I started checking v8.2.

The description of the STR and INT attributes displayed when hovering the mouse on the skill page is incorrect. STR must contain "Inventory Management", but INT must not (if the actual behavior is correct).

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
[C key] - [Attributes/Skills]
and Hover over STR or INT

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.2, Warband v1.174 downloaded
(Note: v8.1 + WB v1.167 has the same bug)

(Edited on Feb 5 2023 UTC: corrected WB versions)
V8.0 / Dragon Queen quest ends up in the half way?
November 23, 2022, 02:58:17 PM
(Spoiler alert)

A sequence of quests ends up in the half way and the player cannot know what to do.

I was asked the quests from a person (below) at a certain place (below). After I got the quests done, someone (below) ordered me to prepare for when someone (below) comes, but the order is not left in the quest page (that appears by Q key). After a gap of (real world's) week, the player cannot remember who asked, what was asked, and what she/he should do.

Players familiar with the original novels or TV series could have chance to know the correct way, but for other players, the sequence of quests suddenly ends and that leaves a feeling of great loss because she/he cannot know what to do.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Probably the player need to be a non-vassal. I'm testing the case where the player character is not belonging to any faction.
Visit the lord's hall in King's Landing, find and talk to Lord Varys, accept and do all five quests in order (qst_varys_inv_1 thru 5). At the end, he asks you to deliver a message to Ellaria Sand (qstr_Lord_Varys_has_asked). I visited the meeting place (specified by a variable {s23}), found and talked to her. She says like:
You're free to take your leave now, {playername}. Go and prepare, for when the Dragon Queen comes, she shall show no mercy to her enemies.

I met and talked to Varys to end the fifth quest from him. My quest page became empty. I talked again soon but he replies like as if a complete stranger.

After two additional (in-game) days, I received a message via a raven and it says:
One of your commanders has news delivered by a raven. He goes on to read...^^ I am Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, rightful heir to the Iron Throne, rightful queen of the Andals and the First Men. Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains.^Your Queen invites you to Dragonstone to bend the knee and pledge your allegiance to House Targaryen.

But I left clicked to close it before I read with caution because I have believed that it would also be written in the quest page as with Varys's five quests. However, my quest page remains empty and the message above is not displayed again.

(In addition, in case of unfamiliar players to the original story, she/he can determine that Daenerys Stormborn who sent the message above is The Dragon Queen (said by Ellaria Sand) ONLY IF the player carefully read a long text (qstr_The_Andals_called_it) displayed in the right side of Character menu page (C key) AND the player knew that both Daenerys Stormborn and Daenerys Targaryen are the same person. In other words, THE PLAYER NEED TO KNOW THE TITLES OF CHARACTERS IN THE ORIGINAL STORY in order to solve the game and to keep herself/himself on the right track that the developer intended)

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.1, Warband v1.167 downloaded
...that King Rodrick Stark won... --> Rodrik? (Intended? I don't know which is right)
Their is not enough food in all the land to fill... --> There? (intended?)
You are of Valyrian decent of an average height. ... --> descent
You are of Valyrian decent, tall and strong. ... --> descent
You are of Valyrian decent, short in ... --> descent
I could not ... when I was a lowly Paige. --> Old French for English "page(servant)" or "page boy"?

In addition, the French version (languages/fr/game_strings.csv) seems to also be wrong. It's using "une pauvre femme" as corresponding words but these "str_3_..." are of Mr. Shadrich (Ombrich) the Mad Mouse (see str_3_intro).

Orthographical variants, Hagen <--> Hagan
I am Hagan the Beautiful and I am ...
So I see you sent Hagan to...
But Hagan is still a pirate and I have ...

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.1, Warband v1.167 downloaded
V8.0 / A weapon smith speaks player's words
November 13, 2022, 08:04:01 AM
(Spoiler alert)

It seems that a man speaks words the player should speak. The situation is limited to a conversation with specific person who know about Valyrian steel.

(Rumour) Ah, hello ser. I wonder if these fine blades include Valyrian steel? Is this something you can forge?
Valyrian steel is forged by magic and spells. No no we cant forge Valyrian from scratch. We can however re-forge Valyrian steel. Would that be of interest to you {my Lord/my Lady}?
dlga_herrero_trade:herrero_trade2  <-----
Sure. What could you do for me ser?
Well, I have enough Valyrian steel to forge either two small blades or a large blade. Which would you prefer?

The speaker of the 4 lines above should be Player-Weaponsmith-Player-Weaponsmith, but the weapon smith speaks 3 times in a row.

The first parameter 4095 of (at least) TWO LINES in the conversation.txt seems to be wrong:
dlga_herrero_trade:herrero_trade2  <-----
Sure. What could you do for me ser?
Actually, I've changed my mind.

I experimentally changed these 4095 in both lines into 69631 as the player character and got an expected result (attached image).

I don't know it's enough to change only two lines.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Visit Qohor, stroll through town, find the weapon smith, talk to him, and select "(Rumour) Ah, hello ser. I wonder if these fine blades include Valyrian steel? Is this something you can forge?".
He says "Valyrian steel is forged by magic and..."
Click to advance.
He says "Sure. What could you do for me ser?"
(There is no choice in the bottom and the player must click the screen to advance.)

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.1, Warband v1.167 downloaded
The title of a quest ("We take what is ours") is displayed but I cannot see its text when I clicked it.

I checked quests.txt. It seems to have the line of qst_mod_trouble with a text "Rory has asked you ...".

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Visit Arbor (city), visit the inn, talk with Rory, then a quest is added. Push [Q key] to see the quest list, Click "We take what is ours" from the quest list in the right side. The title's color changes from blue to black but no description for it is displayed in the left side.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.1, Warband v1.167 downloaded
After performed as a farmer at Dale Head (a village near Duskendale), I got message "you gain 0 xp and Dale Head". That seem to occur rather often at any village.

In the image attached, I performed farmer-work 3 times. At the first work, I normally got a sausage and it was added to the inventory. Second, I got the village name "Dale Head" in the message and a Barrel of Mead in the inventory. Third, I got a sausage again but the Mead disappeared.

When the village name was shown, the value of xp is 0 or 1 as far as I checked a few times. That occurs even on the 1st day in a new game.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Visit a village, select "Perform some very basic work for the village (be a farmer)." and "Yes I am sure.", repeat the basic work 4 or 5 times till you see the village name.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.1, Warband v1.167 downloaded
Related topic: "Unmotivated practice melee fighters in arenas" by me

(I tried to replying to it but that causes an error "Please enable JavaScript" though the switch for it is enabled in my Chrome browser)

Additional information to the staring at each other in arenas.

Many warning lines fill up the "Messages" screen when I push [Q key]-[Recent Messages] just after I started a practical melee fight at an arena (probably any arena). I don't know whether this affects the "staring at each other".

At Mission Template mst_arena_melee_fight trigger no: 33 consequences.
At Mission Template mst_arena_melee_fight trigger no: 33 consequences.
At Mission Template mst_arena_melee_fight trigger no: 33 consequences.


SCRIPT WARNING ON OPCODE 505: Invalid Agent ID: 38; LINE NO 6:
At Mission Template mst_arena_melee_fight trigger no: 33 consequences.
At Mission Template mst_arena_melee_fight trigger no: 33 consequences.
At Mission Template mst_arena_melee_fight trigger no: 33 consequences.
SCRIPT WARNING ON OPCODE 505: Invalid Agent ID: 39; LINE NO 6:
At Mission Template mst_arena_melee_fight trigger no: 33 consequences.
At Mission Template mst_arena_melee_fight trigger no: 33 consequences.
At Mission Template mst_arena_melee_fight trigger no: 33 consequences.

The ID number is sequential from 15 to 39 (and the earlier numbers seem not to remain in the message buffer)
At this time, "Opponents Remaining: 40" is shown in the main (fighting) screen (probably at any arena).

In addition, the remaining number sometimes ends in "-1" when I beat all opponents.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.1, Downloaded
(I never seen these "staring", "remaining -1", and "warning" with v.7.11. I often see the staring and the -1, and always see the warning with v.8.1 as far as I know)
V8.0 / Lifespan of the fortified camps
October 12, 2022, 12:30:04 AM
There seems no delay for building/destroying an fortified daily camp, though [Q key]-[Game Concepts]-[Camp Entrenchment] page says it takes hours or days to build according to the engineering skill and it remains about 3 days.

Just after I turned on the checkbox "Fortify Camp" in the camp menu, "Visit your camp" button shows already the camp was fortified with pickets.

I tested when the Engineer skill of my party is 4. I pushed the "Wait here" and "Wait here for some time." button to wait. In the world map, the camp is showed as multiple tents and multiple horses as soon as starting camp unlike a normal single tent/horse. After 7 days in the game, As soon as I click the ground to stop camping, the tents/horses disappears and the travel is resumed.

There seems to be inconsistencies between the Concept page and the real behaviors.

ip_entrenchment in the info_pages.txt:
... The time required to entrench is based upon the number of soldiers in your army and your parties skill in engineering. A small band of warriors with no skill in engineering will take days to entrench a camp site. An army of 30 or more with a few points in engineering can accomplish this in just a few hours.^^When you complete the entrenchment, a circle of pickets will surround your camp. This entrenchment will remain in place for approximately three days after leaving the entrenchment. You can leave and return to the entrenchment during this time without having to do any ...

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.1, Warband v1.167 downloaded
Most companions tell player their condition (or their wish to the player) to be employed when not only they met for the first time but also they met again. The sentence has an ID str_xxxxx_signup_2 and it is spoken till the player employs them.

But Shadrich says "Only then I will pledge you my blade." and the player cannot know Shadrich's employment condition unless the player remember it. Shadrich speaks his employment condition only once using the str_3_signup when he meets the player for the first time.

Val's context also has similar and smaller problem. She says only once about the threat of the winter and her mission to persuade at the first contact with the player (using the ID str_4_signup), and when met later, she says "So, are you willing to help or am I wasting my time here?" (using the ID str_4_signup_2). The player cannot know what and how does the player help Val unless the player remember it.

Other companions seem to have no problem as far as I checked the strings.txt and corresponding game_strings.csv briefly.

An example of Shadrich (when the player meets again).

We meet again.

----(Player's choice)
So... what have you been doing since our last encounter?

Good day to you.

Perhaps it is time that you decided that you need my sword.

----(Player's choice)
I might be able to use you in my army.

I'll let you know if I hear of anything.

Only then I will pledge you my blade.

----(Player's choice)
I share your sentiments friend. I fight every battle to last of my dyeing breath.

In fact, I have changed my mind.

I ask you pay me {reg3} stags upfront, this will cover my living should you die while I am in your employ, I do not want to be a poor knight.

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Before you meet Shadrich (or Val), find him (her), talk to, select "I might be able to use you in my army.", select the first entry in the next choice, don't employ him (her), after some days, find him (her), talk to, and select "So... what have you been doing ..." and the following "I might be able to use you in my army." again.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.1, Warband v1.167 downloaded
V8.0 / Some npcs speak "n/a" against "your story again"
October 10, 2022, 12:47:17 PM
The attached image shows that Kurleket spoke "n/a". The back story of some npcs seem to be "not assigned" (n/a). I compared with the other npcs guess the ID of the questionable line is str_xxxx_backstory_b.


I have not tested other npc than Kurleket (and also lords or such people who join to player's party).

- How to reproduce it/when/why it happens:
Hire one of them, select her/him from party, "I'd like to ask you something.", "Tell me your story again".

An example (conversation with Kurleket):

I'd like to ask you something.
Very well. What did you want to ask?
Tell me your story again.
Remember, if you do not pay back the Bank of Braavos, you will pay the Iron price.
str_kurleket_backstory_b    <-- I guess
Then shortly after, I joined up with you.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.1, Warband v1.167 downloaded
Dacey Mormont is speaking. She complains to the player character about sending someone (male) to somewhere.

Mormonts have been hunting Wildlings for as long as I can remember. You mark yourself as an enemy of the Free Folk by sending him out in your name.

My question is:
Is this "enemy of Free Folk" appropriate?

I have not reproduced the situation and don't know who is the man sent out, but compared the sentence with Dongo's. He complains about Dacey and he says to player character as below.

Dacey Mormont. Mormont, a name we fear and hate. The name of the Crow King, you make enemies of the free folk.

I make sense that he call Mormonts "enemy of the FF" but I feel a contradiction the Dacey's "enemy of the FF". IMHO, it seems to that Dacey should say "enemy of Mormonts" or something like "...of North" or "...of me" unless she worries about the player character takes sides with Mormonts.

(If the man who sent out is Mormonts, Dacey's speech would be right as a warning to player character. But I cannot find any companion from Mormonts other than Dacey as far as I read the strings.txt and translated csv files.)

Sorry if this is my misunderstanding and confuses the developers.

- Game version (and steam or downloaded):
AWoIaF v8.1, Warband v1.167 downloaded