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Messages - ronodeno

Quote from: Maester Rawl on May 09, 2019, 06:34:28 PM
That's it except for triggers the player can activate, the Targaryen invasion for example.

Ah okay. Thanks for all the quick responses!
After day 700 and the white walkers arrived are there any other events such as wars etc? If you defeat the night king does that trigger anything? Currently ignoring him as he's far too strong for me atm
Quote from: Maester Rawl on May 09, 2019, 01:57:50 PM
You can put this in bugs but the ship reinforcements at Braavos and Dragonstone are known about. Screen shots help when reporting issues with scenes. I'll even use videos. Thanks for reporting. It helps a lot.

Will do :)
So far I've only assaulted a few fiefs.

When assaulting Braavos it failed spectacularly due to having 3 large ships attempting to get through a tiny area, the ships seemed to rubber band and the ship kept floating through walls knocking out all my guys making it impossible to assault. If we reached the beach it then meant reinforcement ships would just get stuck behind the other boats making assaulting a town of 1000+ was impossible.

After assaulting some castle in Braavos there's no archers on the walls and I just took 30 archers and stood in the gateway and they wiped them out without being pushed once, the enemy just stood still in a line for some reason (this happened for 3/3 castle's I raided).

I then raided Nightsong in Westeros and my troops couldn't get up the siege ladder properly, a couple troops would get pushed through whilst the rest block or sit at the bottom (even when no troops are at the top of the ladder)

Should I put this in as a bug or? I've only attacked a couple places so can't vouch for any other fiefs.
Quote from: litski on May 09, 2019, 09:01:44 AM
I can't see Dany in my Characters tab.. should she be in the characters tab with all the other characters? I don't see Jon Snow either.

She's bugged so she's not listed in it. Jon Snow is renamed Lord Commander John Snow.
White walkers have landed, no one has declared war since tarageans invaded, are there more events for war or?
Quote from: AJB5803 on May 08, 2019, 01:05:46 PM
Hi ronodeno...which part is the bug here?
Ambushed by bandits yet half of them are unarmed peasants that look like they just live in the town

Having to run around every part of town to find them as they're stood still idle

In other mods and native the bandits are all armed and just attack you which makes it more fun and not frustrating to have to find an unarmed peasant stuck/hiding behind a building on the other side of town

It might not be a bug, but it's an odd feature if so
Quote from: Maester Rawl on May 08, 2019, 12:51:09 PM
Yes. Static Wars is designed for the factions to follow the storyline of the books and show.

You can still get factions to declare war if you join one, get positive relation with the leader and then convince them to declare war. I've done this with the Vale.

Also, you can turn off static wars in the reports tab. You can not turn it back on again.

I guess that's why no factions declared war on me when I created a faction with low RTR.

Are the factions of Essos meant to be war? At least for me they haven't been at war for around 400 days, only the Dothraki and Norvos.
So there's constantly popups about border incidents and I've done a few tasks for vassals to incite war however they never happen, is this turned off in static wars?
[v4.3 latest]

Bug description: When a faction is on campaign sometimes all the vassals stay in one fief together for months (so far they've been in their for over 2 months) and a few of them rarely leave for feasts. Currently in my game the Lannisters are all sat in Casterly rock (almost 2000 troops) and the reach are in Lannisport (about the same) and they aren't moving whilst the storm lands and Targaryeans take over what remains of the Lannisters.

How to reproduce it/when/why it happens: It only appears to have happened as one faction has been pushed back into a defensive state and they remain there (there's 4 factions at war with them).

Your computer specs: I7 4770 3.2ghz, 16gb ram, gtx 970, win10

Game version (and steam or downloaded): 4.3 latest, moddb

Additional information (Screenshots ect):
[v4.3 Latest]

Bug description: The factions remain at war even though their properties have been taken over (and getting the pop up e.g. Iron islands are no more). The Vassals of that kingdom then roam around weird routes around the entire map with a very low amount of troops and just continue to get captured, be let free, rinse and repeat. This happened for the Iron Islands, however when Dragonstone was taken by the Targareans through the scripted event the last property for Dragonstone faction was weeping town - this was taken and the vassals still wander around but no pop up saying that Dragonstone is no more (at least as far as I could see).

How to reproduce it/when/why it happens: Wipe out a faction with no properties left, usually takes a few days for the pop up to occur.

Your computer specs: I7 4770 3.2ghz, 16gb ram, gtx 970, win 10

Game version (and steam or downloaded): 4.3 downloaded from mod db

Additional information (Screenshots ect):
v4.0 / v4.3 (latest) - Bandit ambush in towns
May 08, 2019, 12:34:22 PM
[Latest version]

Bug description:
I tend to get ambushed in 1/6 towns I visit the inn, and when this happens there's usually around 10 enemies however they are sometimes unarmed peasants and also they are spread around the town in random places meaning it takes 10 or so minutes to run around and find the hidden enemies which can be very frustrating
How to reproduce it/when/why it happens: Lower rep with lords enough to get ambushed when entering an Inn.

Your computer specs: I7 4770 3.2ghz, 16gb ram, gtx 970, windows 10.

Game version (and steam or downloaded): Downloaded through Mod DB , latest version

Additional information (Screenshots ect):
Quote from: Realize on May 08, 2019, 11:18:26 AM
If the faction in a campaign, wed wouldn't happen. You've to wait til the end.

It's been 2 months, any idea when they should end?
I got the fathers permission to wed about 30 days ago and he's been sending me messages almost daily telling me to come to the Arbor for the wedding. I go there, no ones there and no options for it. I go find him in Lannisport and he's with the rest of the vassals and says it will happen after the campaign or when there is a feast.

There was then a tourney and a feast there, I arrived, won the tourney and looked around and no option (the father wasn't there either) the feast ended and they all left.

Does it usually take this long? Usually I get married instantly.

A bit of info as well, the lords of the reach are gathered in Lannisport and the entire Lannister army Is in casterly rock a stones throw away if that makes any difference.
There's currently a bug causing that. You can't interact with her right now but looks like the mod creator is working on a hotfix.