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Messages - CristiRoth

v4.0 / [v 4.3.6] Patrol Bug
June 08, 2019, 08:40:51 AM
I've finally managed to take Maidenpool, got enough soldiers and enlisted some patrols (3 around the city and 2 around the village). The problem is, one of each actually belongs to my faction (Shorelands), while the others belong to "Player Faction". All of them listen to my orders, however the player faction ones attack travelers. I was curious, so I cheated: I took Duskendale, Wickenden and Darry, recruited even more soldiers and enlisted patrols: same problem. Only one or two of each belong to my actual faction, the others belong to a Player Faction that two Guild Masters reported to have attacked travelers. Also, my own army has the "Player Faction" color instead of my real faction's one. HELP

EDIT: When asking the Guild Master in Duskendale about a job, he wanted me to hunt one of my "Player Faction" patrols for attacking travelers.