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Messages - Maester Rawl

V9.0 / Valyrian Armor T-Pose
December 16, 2023, 07:19:58 AM
The Valyrian armor is stuck in a T-Pose.
Thank you for your bug report, hero!

Did this happen after the Red Wedding?
V8.0 / Sand Snakes Return to Water Gardens
September 18, 2022, 05:55:15 AM
If the player loses the Sand Snake companions they will return to the Water Gardens. The player then has to spend the money to re-recruit them.
V7.0 / Re: Robb Stark in Winterfell after his death
August 17, 2021, 09:56:28 AM
It's a known bug. Thanks for reporting it :)
A World of Ice and Fire / Re: Bandits
August 17, 2021, 09:55:43 AM
Join the Discord and you can chat with guys about the mod and get some tips and tricks. With recruitment, religion is a big deal. Make sure you recruit from the villages that share your religion. Also, Leadership and Renown increase recruitment numbers. Recruit from Towns as well.
It's close. 8.0 is in the testing phase at the moment.
Other Games / Re: The Forest
July 09, 2021, 12:36:25 AM
Quote from: Produno on June 08, 2014, 10:30:06 PM
Anyone else played it? I bought it today and had a little go on it. Gets a little boring after a while but the idea is pretty cool.

It shines with friends. Watched a lets play of it.
V7.0 / Re: castle can't defend enemy march
June 21, 2021, 01:07:14 PM
Quote from: LH of summerhall on May 11, 2021, 09:08:48 AM
castle can't defend enemy march,even I got The bloody gates,my enemys still could pass through that castle to attack my Eyrie. :'(

This is a bit of a limitation with Warband in general. There's been one or two mods that have that feature.
Thanks for reporting the bug.
Sceners Guild / Re: Last Hearth early previews
November 13, 2019, 05:05:27 AM
Lord Umber will be very pleased :)
It's looking good.
Quote from: Gheed on October 13, 2019, 09:29:13 PM
I'm currently experiencing terrible performance in game from 20-30 fps in battles and 50 everywhere else. I have updated all my drivers and am using a radeon 5700xt and an AMD 3800x with 16gb of c16 3000mhz ram. Any ideas????

Do you have your monitor plugged into your GPU and not your motherboard?
Try disabling Radeon settings like Chill.
Big mods have this issue. Most believe it has to do with Warband's memory leak. I know that my old laptop on low settings crashed less often than my new gaming PC on high settings.

You can lessen crashing by lowering the battle size. Do not go above 300 and the lower the better in terms of crashing.

Make sure that Load Textures on Demand is checked in the Configure menu.

Save often and restart the game after large battles, sieges and a few hours playtime.
Sceners Guild / Re: The Shadow Tower previews
October 11, 2019, 10:58:40 PM
Nice work :)
v4.0 / Re: What's with the snow?
September 29, 2019, 04:41:17 AM
Adjust the setting for plant shadows to full.
Help & Support / Re: My vassal is stuck on 1 unit
September 19, 2019, 01:53:03 AM
I fixed this once by giving my vassal enough troops to get them moving.