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Messages - Rarilmar

v1.0 / Re: [1.3] Bugs / suggestions?
July 15, 2017, 03:26:23 AM
12 - Timber is way too scarce their abundance in stores should be at least triple, or add Lumber Camps to the map. Basically it the way it is now it can take weeks to gather the timber to build your settlement.

13 - If failing the quest to participate is some tourney that's on the other side of the map it triggers a companion complaint. It should not count as a quest if not completed.

14 - When Qyburn goes hungry he can no longer speak properly:

15 - Qyborn is a maester so he should be able to heal your injuries! :D And that way you can heal your injuries in Essos.

16 - When accompanying the marshal to break a siege he joins alone while the rest of the lords+player wait for him outside. Also during a siege when the assault begins player party does not join automatically with the rest.

17 - After House Targaryen took King's Landing, entering the castle displays a script error:
(the error disappeared when the town was assigned to a lord)

v1.0 / Re: [1.3] Bugs / suggestions?
July 12, 2017, 11:03:50 PM
7 - The NPC from the Gold mine inside Lannister lands tells me it's an Iron mine from the Iron Islands :o (Perhaps he should be moved to the Iron mine from the Iron islands where there is no NPCs :D)

8 - Most Kings/lords that rule a faction have the Britenvalda dialogue option when it comes to Claimants with player name in the opening line.

9 - Quest 'A Lannister always pays it's debts' I can't find the raiding party even with CTRL + T to view all. (could it be some other party killed them?)

10 - Bringing prisoners for the Drowned God priest in Pyke grants the same +1 rep if 1 or 20. Increasing the rep based on numbers would be nice :p

11 - Grand Maester Pycell after healing me of an injury (for 300 i think) kept offering a dialogue option to heal me cheating me of 100 each time. After visiting another maester that told me I have no injury Pycell stopped trying to heal me so that dialogue bug is only on him.
v1.0 / Re: 1.3 Texture Glitch/Bug
July 12, 2017, 09:57:21 PM
I had it too.. had to set grass density to 0 which removes it.
v1.0 / [1.3] Bugs / suggestions?
July 08, 2017, 08:24:20 PM

New to this mod, here's my first bugs/impressions/suggestions/spam :D:

1 - Strange bug at the bear isle ferry (maybe at all ferries) if a landing point is generated near the ferry point you get the option to chose which to pick from however the ferry point gets duped and selecting the 2nd one results into a conversation with your self and the custom Kingdom administration menu appears? And when leaving the menu you get to fight vs a 0 manned party lol

2 - The 'Spy' troop I acquired from previous menu bug does not have the 'mounted' attribute checked and only 2 athletics, they slow down the party.

3 - On the Targaryen troop tree when you upgrade from men at arms to knight you lose the shield, this must be a bug since that troop is clearly intended to have a shield. I modded the shield from the men at arms to them however a custom Targaryen shield would be better for the future ;D

4 - Entering the harbors give an opcode error about some ship spawn:

5 - Make the player always spawn on horse in towns since the maps are so big in some places (code for this can be found on that VC modding/tweaking threat from mb forums, I know I did it before)

6 - The 'Ironborn Skirmisher' is equipped with some poor throwing axe with 1 use. He should have at least 2x light throwing axes as equivalent 'Ironborn Scout' has. How can they be skirmishers with no ranged weapons? lol The upgraded ones 'Finger Dancer' get 4x of them so 2x them for the inferior troop should be ok so they can actually serve their propose a bit...