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Messages - InstantBlade

A World of Ice and Fire / Re: Thenn Skilled... spearmen?
September 07, 2018, 03:32:04 PM
Yeah, as things stand (unless I am terribly wrong, and there is some event that makes us discover more dragonglass and give it to the troops or something) there isn't exactly some challenge. It's you either game the enemy and do gamey things to win, or you get crushed (I guess you can also just ignore the WW invasion if you're not up north).

And even if some troops have some lowly obsidian spears or axes, they will still be sucky against White Walkers - I've seen their values. Bad weapons overall.

So the difficulty will exist. The WW will still be ultra fast, and their hits will demolish any troop whatsoever.
A World of Ice and Fire / Thenn Skilled... spearmen?
September 05, 2018, 10:24:19 AM
The Thenn Skilled Champions are identified as spearmen, but have no spears. Did they used to have obsidian spears?
Will they ever get some?

I'm really inclined to add tome obsidian weapons to some infantry guys - probably Thenn, since I'm running the game as one, and would really love to have some kind of soldiers - late game - that can actually fight back against white walkers.
Making those troops Thenn Skilled Champions wouldn't be game breaking, plus they will still get killed en masse.
