A World of Ice and Fire Forums

Edrick the Mockingbird

Started by keyshan, May 23, 2019, 05:27:12 PM

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My gameplay can be seen here. i will post recent Events on this page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010813120568

here is a Quote from the page :
"25th of the 8th Moon, 300 AC.

Reconsidering the warfare strategy for House Baratheon of Dragonstone, written by Ser Edric "the Mockingbird" Storm, also known as "looter of the West" , "the bard-knight" and "the bloody lion tamer", just to name a few.
More than two years of war in the Stormlands, Renly Baratheon is loosing ground, in both meanings: the Land and the fellowship of his Bannermen. I convinced Ser Ronnet Connigton to follow the one true heir of King Robert I Baratheons Legacy. However, the Castles of Mistwood and Castle Wrath in the South-End of the Stormlands are still hold by Renlys Bannermen, Castle Wrath is mainly defended by Ser Balon Swan, as it seems he had mooved his seat there. Mistwood is changing its owner repeatly, so its unclear ground.
However, the Castle of Stonehelm, former seat of House Swann, has fallen to the Lannister Forces, so does the Weeping Town. Evenfall Hall, former Seat of House Tarth, however is also hold by Lannister forces, so as Felwood at the Rose Road.
Renly Baratheons Bannermen mostly lost their lands due the war,the only remaining Houses which didnt lost their lands are House Selmy, House Fossoway , House Estermont and House Dondarrion.
The Lannisters drove several hard and bloody attacks into the Stormlands, what caused a lot of effort to encounter. For Renly crowning himself as King, the Lannisters and Crownlands needed to strike out against both Baratheons, Stannis and Renly. Circumstances allowed House Barahteon of Dragonstone to establish their Kingdom in the main Part of the Stormlands, with Storms End and Dragonstone as highseats of House Baratheon."

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