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AWoIaF Warband => Bugs => Beta 9 => Topic started by: Riven on June 04, 2016, 09:14:31 AM

Title: Beta 9.5.6 Bugs
Post by: Riven on June 04, 2016, 09:14:31 AM
Related to Raven quest from Ned Stark about who is the rightfull King, a few bugs (pics in order):

1.- If you get the raven but you don't want to help and give it to poachers, red text errors appear:

2.-If you keep the raven to continue the quest, you lose honor, is this intended?

3.-The quest tells you to talk to Quincy Cox when you choose to give the message to King Stannis Baratheon

4.-If you speak to Ser quincy Cox, of course if don't know anything about the quest, but interestingly if you want to discuss something in private he answers this:

5.-Even though quest tells you to speak to Quincy Cox, talking to King Stannis Baratheon is the right thing to do and closes he quests. No followup quest here, don't know if later other quests will appear