A World of Ice and Fire Forums

AWoIaF General => A World of Ice and Fire => Topic started by: FnaticJarl on May 03, 2019, 06:51:45 PM

Title: Obsidian weapons for thenns and wildlings or something.
Post by: FnaticJarl on May 03, 2019, 06:51:45 PM
So ive been toying around with Morghs editor a bit and found a full list of obsidian weapons Spear/ Javelin / axe. I kinda grew bored of fighting the white walkers with retreating with my 70 NW elite archers and was wondering if these weapons actually do work against the wights and walkers. Anybody that have tried putting them on the troops in the game?

Like the thenns love them axes and maybe the javelins for the skilled champions. Perhaps giving spears to the Wildling champions too..
Title: Re: Obsidian weapons for thenns and wildlings or something.
Post by: FnaticJarl on May 03, 2019, 07:35:03 PM
Aight topic answered i tested myself. Give those thenns the axe and wildling champions the spears and you will have an infantry line that still gets absolutely crushed (lore friendly) but atleast some waves can be held back depending on how large a party you have.
Ive always wanted to do a King beyond the wall playthrough with the conquering of the wall. ;)